Aston held a very successful Learning Analytics Interventions Workshop on 20 June 2017 to plan what students would like learning Interventions might look like. 30 staff and students from Aston University, University of Birmingham, Birmingham City University, and Regents University London attended the workshop, and spent the day thinking about how institutions can best make use of the intelligence gained from data collected about students and their activities. Jisc intends to use the outcomes of the day as the blueprint for a workshop which they can build on for institutions interested in using learning analytics for more than just addressing student retention. We concentrated on two of the main applications of learning analytics and details of the two sessions are included in the Jisc blog posts below:
- Intervening with individual students who are flagged as being at risk of withdrawal or poor academic performance
- Enhancing the curriculum on the basis of data in areas such as the uptake of learning content or the effectiveness of learning activities